Race Info

Registration, Fees, & Awards
Registration and FEes Online Via UltraSignUP
Save some loot--Mail-in Entry
Race Perks & Awards
All racers & teams will receive:
Tri-blend race shirt
Post-race dinner
Unique finishers award.
All Races
Top 3 Overall Male & Female
Emory Corwine Memorial Ruck Race
Top 3 Teams Overall
A very special award for last place

Event Schedule
June 7th, 2024
6:00-8:00PM--Packet pick-up and/or race registration. If you are a relay team, please bring a team roster with teammates assigned to each leg of the K50. Registration is located at Frater Lake, WA .
7:00-8:00PM--SERE Beer Mile. Each participant has 4 beers and must run the marked 1/4 mile trail. Participant is required to drink one beer at the start of each 1/4 mile lap. Click HERE for official rules.
June 8th, 2024
5:30-6:00 AM--Race site is open for packet pick-up, registration, and drop-bag collection. ALL RUNNERS AND RUCKERS need to check in at the timer's table next to the start line. Ruck/Pack inspection and weigh-ins. ALL TEAM MEMBERS MUST BE PRESENT.
5:30 AM--All drop-bags must be dropped off at the drop bag staging area.
5:30-6:00 AM--SERE Memorial & Race Briefing
6:12 AM--Start for the 100km, Kaniksu-50, Ruck Racers (Teams & Solo Ruckers)
6:40-6:55 AM--Sweet 50K Race Briefing
7:00 AM--Start for the Sweet 50K
7:45-7:55 AM--Tall Trees Race Briefing
8:00 AM--Start time for Tall Trees 29K
9:30-9:50 AM--Herman's Half Registration and Briefing (Meet at LA Pit Aid Station)
10:00 AM--Start for Herman's Half
12:00 PM--Start of the Frater Round
3:00 PM--Cut-off for Herman's Half (5hr)
4:00 PM--Cut-off for Tall Trees (8hr)
7:00 PM--Cut-off for Sweet 50K (12hr)
6:00-8:00 PM--BBQ Time for everybody!
June 9th, 2024
2:12AM--Cut-off for the Kaniksu 50 and Emory Corwine Memorial Ruck Race (20hr)
6:12AM--Cut-off for the Long Walk 100K (24hr)

Kaniksu 50
Course Map Link
18-mile out-and-back (Granite Peak)
32-mile lollipop (out to a loop (Thomas Mountain) and back to Frater HQ
9,700' of vertical gain making this course 19,400 of elevation change
Aid Stations & Crew Access
Runners/Ruckers will have access to 8 aid stations that range from fully stocked stations to water aid stations. Fully stocked aid stations contain items, such as: pretzels, peanut butter and honey sandwiches (little squares), peanut M&Ms, Oreos, Snickers (small), bananas, oranges, watermelon, Gels, Endurolytes, Coke, boiled potatoes with salt. Water stations are minimally manned and will have gels, water, and possibly an electrolyte drink. In addition to these aid stations, your crew has access to one-point where you can receive additional aid. That point is Just-Up-The-Hill Exchange Point at mile 3 and 15. Your crew will have to hike in approximately 1 mile to provide any support to you. If you are a ruck team doing the exchange, it might be worth foregoing this point and heading straight to Frater Lake HQ which is 3ish miles away.
Aid Station Flow:​
Just Up the Hill--Mileage 3--No aid unless supported by crew
Granite Junction Aid Station--Mileage 6--Fully Stocked
Granite Peak Aid Station--Mileage 9--Water Aid Station
Granite Junction AS--Mileage 12--Fully Stocked
Just Up the Hill AS--Mileage 15--Crews access and Ruck Exchange #1--No aid unless supported by crew
Frater Lake HQ--Mileage 18--Fully Stocked--Crew Access
550 Aid Station--Mileage 27.5--Fully Stocked AS--Crew Access and Ruck Exchange #2
LA Pit Aid Station--Mileage 32--Water Station--Crew Access and Ruck Exchange #3
550 Aid Station--Mileage 39.5--Fully Stocked AS--Crew Access and Ruck Exchange #4
Frater Lake HQ--Mileage 49.5--FINISH
Crew Support: After the race start, there will be a crew/spectator brief. It should be noted that crew access will be very limited.
Pacer Support
Pacers are allowed to complete the lollipop section of the race. Pacers can be picked up at Frater Lake HQ (mile 30ish). All pacers MUST sign a waiver. Pacers should be in good physical condition and will bring gels/food items for themselves. No Muling for racers. Muling, meaning, you carry their gels/food/water.
Drop Bags
Racers have access to drop bags at the 550 Aid Station and Frater Lake HQ. Please mark bags with name and avoid placing valuables in bags. We are not responsible for lost or broken items and we will do our best to return Drop Bags in a timely manner.
Right-of-Way Rules
For this event, participants running downhill will have the right-of-way. This is particularly important during the Granite Peak out-and-back.
Additionally, these trails and roads are used by hikers, horses, ATV's and motorcycles. If you encounter these on the course it is your job to give them the right-of-way.

Emory Corwine Memorial Ruck Race
General Information
This race is different than just hiking through the woods. We recommend you practice with the boots, socks, pack and the weight you'll be carrying on race day. We highly encourage you to practice on gravel roads or trails and at the pace you plan to keep. Your feet and legs will be destroyed if you think you can wing this race. ​​
Weather: Members can wear shorts or pants. Typical weather for our race has been very crazy. The first year we had thunderstorms and the second year it was 105 degrees!! Bottom line, please be prepared in advance for inclement weather.
Alternates: Teams can have two alternates on race day. These members must be declared before the start of the race. Each team captain will ensure their alternates sign a race waiver.
If there is no alternate, a member can complete multiple legs. No time penalty, just the suck of completing two legs.
If a member falls out during their leg the alternate can take their place but will be penalized 30 minutes. "Fall Out" is defined by the member physically unable to complete their assigned leg. It is not defined by improper training or trying to split up the relay legs in order to gain a competitive advantage. If the race staff feels you are trying to cheat you will be disqualified.
If a team member falls out you MUST let a race official know. Failure to do so will be grounds for disqualification.
If your team wants to split up the Granite Leg, you can but at price of a 2-hour time penalty. This should be declared before the start of the race so please let the race staff know your intentions.
If you fail to keep the pace you will be pulled from the race. Time limits are put in place not only for your safety, but the race staff, volunteers, and all involved with the event. If you get pulled from the race you will be directed back to the start/finish or to the area that best fits extraction to the start/finish. If your team is pulled from the race there will be no refunds.
Night Time: All Ruck teams must be prepared for the situation that their team is navigating the course at night. Very bright headlamps, extra batteries and appropriate cold/wet weather gear is a must for any team planning on pushing the time limit.
Ruck Requirements
Your ruck or pack must have an Internal or External Frame. NO WEIGHT VESTS
35 pounds for males and 25 pounds for females (Females can carry 35 if they want). Weight includes pack weight. All rucks will be weighed prior to the start and upon the baton exchange. Pack weight, when weighed, will be without water.
Participants are encouraged to use non-perishable goods for weight (Canned Goods, Rice etc). Food Items will be collected at the finish line and will be donated to a food bank. Please keep labels on food items and in original state. Duct taping goods together is allowed. (Place cans in bag and then tape to keep from ripping off labels) Large bags of rice and flour have been popular items in the past.
Participants CANNOT use rocks or logs for these are items that can be picked up along the course.
Participants are encouraged to wear military or hiking boots. Trail running shoes can be worn but at your own risk.
Baton Requirements
As with any relay, your team needs a baton.
The baton can be carried or packed, but MUST be passed upon completion of your leg.
Batons MUST be a minimum of 1 foot in length and will not be provided.
We've seen samurai swords, carbon fiber arrows, axes, light sabers & foam swords to name a few.
Relay Legs
The relay legs memorialize the life of a fallen SERE Specialist. Ruck teams will be required to assign one Rucker per memorial leg. Your race strategy will be very important come Race Day. Proper placement of your team members will be key to your team's success.
Exchanges Points:​
Ruck Exchange #1--Starts at Frater HQ and ends at Just Up the Hill AS--Mileage 15--No aid unless crew supported
Ruck Exchange #2--Starts at Just-up-the-hill and ends at 550 Aid Station--Mileage 27.5--Fully Stocked AS--Crew Access
Ruck Exchange #3--Starts at 550 AS and ends at Thomas Aid Station--Mileage 32--Water Station--Crew Access
Ruck Exchange #4--Starts at Thomas Aid and ends 550 Aid Station--Mileage 39.5--Fully Stocked AS--Crew Access
Ruck Exchange #5--Starts at 550 Aid Station and ends at Frater HQ--Mileage 50

Sweet 50K
Course Summary
This course is dedicated to A1C Donald Sweet. In 1997, Sweet was the only fatality in a snowy 5 vehicle pile-up not far from Frater Lake on Highway 20. Like Sweet, dedicated to his craft, participants will need to rely on ALL of their trail-running experience to work this course. Lot's of beautiful single track trail. You'll need your climbing skills as well. This course has great views at the top of most climbs.
Link to Course Map
Aid Stations
Runners will have access to 2 aid stations that range from stations that are fully stocked to water stations. Fully stocked aid stations contain items such as: pretzels, peanut butter and honey sandwiches (little squares), peanut M&Ms, Oreos, Snickers (small), bananas, oranges, watermelon, Gels, Endurolytes, Coke, boiled potatoes with salt. Water stations are minimally manned and will have gels, water, and an electrolyte drink.
Aid Station Flow:​
Frater Lake HQ--Start
550 Aid Station--Mileage 9.5--Fully Stocked
Pit Aid Station--Mileage 14--Water Aid Station
Thomas Aid Station--Mileage 16--Partially Stocked
550 Aid Station--Mileage 21
Frater Lake HQ--Mileage 31--Finish
Crew Support: Only permitted at 550 Aid Station.
Pacer Support
Pacers are NOT permitted.
Drop Bags
Drop bags are permitted at 550 Aid Station.
Right-of-Way Rules
For this event, runners/ruckers that are running downhill will have the right-of-way.
Additionally, these trails and roads are used by hikers, horses, ATV's and motorcycles. If you encounter these on the course it is your job to give them the right-of-way.
Cut-off Times While on Course
There is an overall cut-off time of 12 hours.

Herman's Half-ish
Course Summary
This course is dedicated to Gary Herman who was an extremely influential Survival Instructor of 20 years. Post retirement, Gary continued his service to the U.S. Government for 15 years until he passed of Stage 4 Colon Cancer. Gary was known for going out on run or ruck's and telling the recruits he trained the wrong mileage just for them to learn how to "suck it up". This is why this race is called Herman's Half-ish...marketed as a half-marathon but closer to 15.5 miles. You'll start at Thomas Aid Station and run single track up and over Thomas Mountain and down to Frater Lake. Negative descent with lots of little rollers. We love this course!!!
Link to Course Map
Aid Stations
Runners will have access to 2 aid stations that range from stations that are fully stocked to water stations. Fully stocked aid stations contain items such as: pretzels, peanut butter and honey sandwiches (little squares), peanut M&Ms, Oreos, Snickers (small), bananas, oranges, watermelon, Gels, Endurolytes, Coke, boiled potatoes with salt. Water stations are minimally manned and will have gels, water, and an electrolyte drink.
Aid Station Flow:​
Thomas Aid Station--Start
550 Aid Station--Mileage 6ish--Fully Stocked
Frater Lake HQ--Mileage 15ish--Finish
Crew Support: No crew support permitted.
Pacer Support
Pacers are NOT permitted.
Drop Bags
No drop bags permitted for this distance.
Right-of-Way Rules
For this event, runners/ruckers that are running downhill will have the right-of-way.
Additionally, these trails and roads are used by hikers, horses, ATV's and motorcycles. If you encounter these on the course it is your job to give them the right-of-way.
Cut-off Times While on Course
There is an overall cut-off time of 5 hours for Tall Trees Participants.

tall Trees 29K
Course Summary
Make no mistake, the Tall Trees 29K course is an absolute grind! In the long course, this section crushes and demoralizes both runners and ruckers. The event memorializes MSgt Chris "Sheaf" Sheaffer. This out-and-back section climbs to summit of Granite Peak has some technical spots, tight switchbacks, muddy sections, and deep ruts from motorcycles.
Link to Course Map
CalTopo-Tall Trees 29K: This map is designed for runners participating in the Tall Trees Race. This map will show the route is 16ish miles. Make no mistake..the route is closer to 18 miles.
Aid Stations
Runners will have access to 3 aid stations that range from stations that are fully stocked to water stations. Fully stocked aid stations contain items such as: pretzels, peanut butter and honey sandwiches (little squares), peanut M&Ms, Oreos, Snickers (small), bananas, oranges, watermelon, Gels, Endurolytes, Coke, boiled potatoes with salt. Water stations are minimally manned and will have gels, water, and an electrolyte drink.
Aid Station Flow:​
Frater Lake HQ--Start
Granite Junction Aid Station--Mileage 6--Partially Stocked
Granite Peak Aid Station--Mileage 9--Water Aid Station
Granite Junction AS--Mileage 12--Partially Stocked
Frater Lake HQ--Mileage 18--Finish
NOTE: Due to the tight switchbacks and dense cover, the GPS reading are not accurate. This course is closer to 18 miles.
Pacer Support
Pacers are NOT permitted for the Tall Trees Course.
Drop Bags
Drop bags are NOTÂ permitted for Tall Trees Participants.
Right-of-Way Rules
For this event, runners/ruckers that are running downhill will have the right-of-way.
Additionally, these trails and roads are used by hikers, horses, ATV's and motorcycles. If you encounter these on the course it is your job to give them the right-of-way.
Cut-off Times While on Course
There is an overall cut-off time of 8 hours for Tall Trees Participants.

Long Walk 100K
Course Summary
The Long Walk 100K - is a beast of a run! You'll run all of the K50 course with an extension that takes you south of Granite Peak. You'll start at Frater Lake and summit Granite Peak. As you return to the Granite Aid Station, you'll head Southwest on a single track trail that will eventually loop back to Just Up the Hill access point where you can meet crew before heading back to Frater. After that, you'll continue with the rest of the 50 mile course. Bring solid trail legs for this course because it's all trail with minimal dirt-road running!
CalTopo - Long Walk 100K Map​
11,100' of vertical gain making this course 22,200 of elevation change
Aid Stations & Crew Support
Runners will have access to 8 aid stations that range from fully stocked stations to water aid stations. Fully stocked aid stations contain items, such as: pretzels, peanut butter and honey sandwiches (little squares), peanut M&Ms, Oreos, Snickers (small), bananas, oranges, watermelon, Gels, Endurolytes, Coke, boiled potatoes with salt. Water stations are minimally manned and will have gels, water, and possibly an electrolyte drink. In addition to these aid stations, your crew has access to one-point where you can receive additional aid. That point is Just-Up-The-Hill Exchange Point at mile 3 and 15. Your crew will have to hike in approximately 1 mile to provide any support to you. If you are a ruck team doing the exchange, it might be worth foregoing this point and heading straight to Frater Lake HQ which is 3ish miles away.
Aid Station Flow:​
Just Up the Hill--Mileage 3--No aid unless supported by crew
Rufus Spur AS--Mileage 7--Water Aid Station--No Crew Access
Taco/Divide AS--Mileage 12--Water Aid Station--No Crew Access
Granite Junction Aid Station--Mileage 14.5--Fully Stocked
Granite Peak Aid Station--Mileage 17.5--Water Aid Station
Granite Junction AS--Mileage 21--Fully Stocked
Just Up the Hill AS--Mileage 24--Crews access at road trail intersection
Frater Lake HQ--Mileage 26.5--Fully Stocked--Crew Access - DROP BAG 1 ACCESS
550 AS--Mileage 34.6--Fully Stocked AS-- Limited Crew Access - DROP BAG 2 ACCESS
LA Pit AS--Mileage 40--Water Station--Limited Crew Access
Thomas AS--Mileage 42--Fully Stocked AS--No Crew Access
550 Aid Station--Mileage 48--Fully Stocked AS--Crew Access and Ruck Exchange #4 - DROP BAG 2 ACCESS
Frater Lake HQ--Mileage 100KM--FINISH
Crew Support: After the race start, there will be a crew/spectator brief. It should be noted that crew access will be very limited.
Pacer Support
Pacers are allowed to complete the lollipop section of the race. Pacers can be picked up at Frater Lake HQ (mile 26ish). All pacers MUST sign a waiver. Pacers should be in good physical condition and will bring gels/food items for themselves. No Muling for racers. Muling, meaning, you carry their gels/food/water.
Drop Bags
You are allowed two drops - one at Frater Lake HQ and one at 550 Aid Station
Right-of-Way Rules
For this event, runners/ruckers that are running downhill will have the right-of-way.
Additionally, these trails and roads are used by hikers, horses, ATV's and motorcycles. If you encounter these on the course it is your job to give them the right-of-way.
Cut-off Times While on Course
There is only one cut-off time on the course and that's 550 AS pass #2. You will have to be through the second pass by 2am on Sunday. The overall course cut-off time is 6:12am on Sunday (24hours).

Lodging Details
Camping Information
Camping is NOT ALLOWED at Frater Lake.
For this event only, the event camp site is located off of Rocky Creek Road. Click HERE for Driving Directions.
Nearby U.S. Forest Service campgrounds include: Lake Thomas, Lake Gillette, Lake Leo (The closest established camp is Lake Leo-Click HERE for Driving Directions)
Hotel & Cabin Rentals
Beaver Lodge Resort offers cabins, campsites and a restaurant and is 10 minutes from Frater Lake.
For those who want cell service try the Riverview Inn/Motel in Ione, WA which is 10.4 miles away.